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Neighbourhood Plan


Sorry to have taken so long before moving on this and updating everyone on what is happening. Recent events, while making more space and time available in some ways, have slowed things down and been a source of distraction.

Let's anyway bring things up to date: in the last Parish Council meeting early in March it was agreed to write to Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) asking that our neighbourhood be 'designated' for the purpose of developing a local plan. At the time, there was some discussion about the precise area to put in scope, as several people with an interest live just over the border in West Hatch. Subsequent research and discussion led to the realisation that any attempt to to increase the scope beyond the Hatch Beauchamp Parish area would cause complications and delay.

So this week the decision was taken to ask for the designation for the parish itself, and I believe the letter has been sent. Once the designation is agreed, we can apply for various grants and start work on the plan.


Meanwhile there are ongoing developments that are relevant to our local plan, which I will summarise to the best of my knowledge (I don't claim to be fully informed of everything)

The application to build 12 houses on the site of the former orchard in Station Road, which was refused at the end of last year, is likely to be appealed. Last month we were under the impression that the appeal was imminent, and would be decided by written submission. But as far as I know the appeal has not started - if anyone has received any information about this please let me know.

The retrospective application for new cement silos at the Sterlings works was granted under conditions involving a landscaping scheme to be submitted by June and approved within 11 months. The standard working hours must also be adhered to (no operation on Sundays or Bank Holidays for instance).

The SWT Local Plan 2040 review is underway, and the first consultation phase finished on 16th March. Further revisions and consultations are due later this year and adoption is not expected until the end of next year. For more details see



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