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Parish Newsletter - February

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Station Road

Somerset Council's Planning Committee has decided to approve the application to build 9 houses on the site of the former Orchard between Neroche View and Home Orchard, against the wishes of the Parish Council, both ward councillors and the majority of the local community, reversing their decision of 2 years ago.

The decisive factor this time was the shortfall in the 5 year housing land supply that tilts the balance in favour of development. Somerset Council recently lost an appeal for an application at Ruishton because the inspector judged that only 3.1 years could be demonstrated. Other considerations including their own policies, the Neighbourhood Plan and precedent were effectively set aside.

The priority of the Parish Council will now be to minimise the environmental impact and maximise the CIL (community infrastructure levy) that we will receive as a result of this going ahead. We will need to engage with the developer and councillors to make sure the S106 agreements to secure the affordable housing for local people, open space and other mitigations are properly drawn.


We now know that the former Sterlings site has recently been sold to a family pension fund belonging to a Mr. Toghill who is a scrap metal dealer. I don't know that there is any significance to the pension fund ownership beyond financial structuring. Its not yet clear whether the intention is to run a scrap metal or similar business on the site, or to sell the 'scrap' already there and pass the site on.

Upcoming Events

"Elvis" in Blue Hawaii Friday 14th March 8pm - Village Hall

Tickets £11 from Sue Comer-Jones tel: 01823 481909



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